[Bldg-sim] 90.1 - lighting - Additional interior lighting power using non-mandatory control
Elizabeth Gillmor
elizabeth at energetics-eng.com
Mon Nov 23 10:17:32 PST 2015
Lighting Power Under Control = the total lighting power (W) that is
controlled by whatever control factor is applicable.
Control Factor is a unitless percentage. However, how you use it is going
to depend on what protocol you are following. Appendix G and Energy Cost
Budget Method both treat CF differently from the prescriptive code.
Prescriptive code uses Control Factor as an additional allowance to your
baseline. Appendix G and Energy Cost Budget Method do not; instead you
would have the option to either model controls directly (such as with
daylighting controls), or to apply the Control Factor as a % LPD reduction
to your Proposed Lighting Power Under Control (using only the watts
controlled by that particular control strategy).
So if I was an electrical engineer filling out COMCheck for the
prescriptive code, I would use Answer B above. But neither would be
correct for Appendix G or code compliance energy modeling.
*Elizabeth Gillmor PE, BEMP, LC, LEED AP*
*e n e r g e t i c s **consulting engineers, llc*
c 303.619.0091
On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 10:47 AM, <Julien.Dutel at mern.gouv.qc.ca> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anybody have to deal with section 9.6.3 from 90.1 - 2013 :
> “Additional interior lighting power using non-mandatory control”? I find it
> unclear ( it’s pretty much the same section than section 9.6.2 c in the
> 2010 version).
> It says that :
> Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance =
> Lighting Power Under Control x Control Factor
> 1) I have a hard time to figure it out what is “Lighting Power Under
> Control”, is it a power or a surface ?
> According to section 9.6.3 it is a power: “the total input watts of all
> lamps being controlled” by specific control, but according to example 9-MM
> of 90.1 – 2013 User’s Manual, it’s much more the surface (in m2 or ft2)
> lighted by all lamps being controlled by specific control.
> 2) What is “Control Factors”, a unitless factor or a LPD in W/m2 ?
> According to section 9.6.3 it’s a unitlessfactor, but according to example
> 9-MM of 90.1 – 2013 User’s Manual, it’s much more a LPD (see note).
> 3) In a theoretical
> <https://www.google.ca/search?espv=2&biw=1219&bih=745&q=theoretical&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTzuDniafJAhVBkh4KHQD2AQsQBQgYKAA>
> example following section 9.6.3 of 90.1-2013 what should be the power
> allowance for an 550 ft2 open office in which there is a 150 ft2 with a
> manual diming control (Control Factor = 0.05 according to table 9.6.3 and
> maximum LPD for an open office is 0.98 W/ft2 LPD according to section
> 9.6.1) ? Is it answer A, B, or another one ?
> [image: 400 ft2 500 W installed ,150 ft2 180 W inst.]
> A) Power allowance = (550 ft2 x 0.98 W/ft2) + (150 ft2 x 0.98 W/ft2 x 0.05)
> = 539 + 7.35 = 546.35 W
> B) Power allowance = (550 ft2 x 0.98 W/ft2) + (180 W x 0.05) = 539 +
> 9 = 548 W
> Note about example 9-MM of 90.1 – 2013 User’s Manual: this example is full
> of mistakes.
> · It refers to example 9-JJ instead of 9-LL
> · The answer mentions an allowance without control of 450,000 W,
> so with a 500,000 ft2 open office that’s mean a 0.90 W/ft2 LPD. But with
> the space-by-space method section 9.6.1 allows a 0.98 W/ft2 LPD, so the
> allowance without control should be 459,184 W
> · The use of the control factors is unclear
> Any help on that would be appreciated
> Thanks,
> *Julien Dutel,* ing., CEM, CMVP*.*
> Direction des secteurs résidentiel, institutionnel et des affaires
> Bureau de l'efficacité et de l'innovation énergétiques
> Ministère des Ressources naturelles
> 5700, 4e Avenue Ouest, B-406
> Québec (Québec) G1H 6R1
> Téléphone : 418 627-6379, poste 8060
> Téléphone sans frais : 1 877 727-6655
> Télécopieur : 418 643-5828
> http://www.efficaciteenergetique.mrn.gouv.qc.ca
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