[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS air source heat pump

MORTABIT OUMAIMA mortabit.oumaima at etu.uae.ac.ma
Tue May 7 07:00:21 PDT 2024

hello i hope this message finds you well
i'm a master degree student and i'm working on my end of study project
i want to simulate a VRF heat pump system in trnsys but it appears that im
facing a problem in the data file that i create based on the technical
document of the model GREE’s GMV-140WL/C-T.
trnsys keeps showing me the following error :
TRNSYS Message    504 : Unable to read data from an external file that has
been ASSIGNed in the TRNSYS input file.  Please check the location and
contents of this file and make sure it is not open in another application.
Reported information  : Logical Unit # 34

thank you in advance for your help

best regards


*MORTABIT Oumaima*

*Étudiante en Master génie énergétique *

*Génie énergétique *

*Faculté des sciences et technique -Tanger-*

*Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi -MAROC*


*Contact :*

*E-mail personnel :      oumaima.mortabit99 at gmail.com
<oumaima.mortabit99 at gmail.com>*

*E-mail institutionnel : mortabit.oumaima at etu.uae.ac.ma
<mortabit.oumaima at etu.uae.ac.ma>*

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