[TRNSYS-users] to control room raditor water flow rate with respect to the set pint temperature

Habtamu Tkubet habtish2000 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 08:13:24 PST 2022

Dear Dave
I trust this email finds you well and safe.
I have modeled the room radiator and working well, however, the problem I
faced is
1.  if the room temperature reaches the setpoint or not, the radiator is
working at two extreme points (*boolean numbers* 0 and 1)

how to control the radiator flow rate according to the fluctuation of the
room from the setpoint?

how to operate a room radiator using thermal setpoint from 0%, 10%... to
100% as required to maintain the room temperature setpoint?
[image: image.png]

Habtamu Tkubet
*Université de Lorraine*
Faculté des Sciences & Technologies - LERMAB and CRAN
 Epinal, France
Tél :+2519 11 79 05 22 /773623147
email:- habtish20002 at gmail.com <http://habtish20002gmail.com/>;
habtamu-tkubet.ebuy at unvi-lorraine.fr
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