[TRNSYS-users] Benchmark TRNSYS 18 32bit vs 64bit

Jobard Xavier xavier.jobard at heig-vd.ch
Thu Feb 17 00:09:06 PST 2022

Hi to the community,
We are currently assessing if it makes sense to port some custom models that we have compiled in 32bit to the 64bit version. We saw that it could be tricky with the new compilers that is less forgiven as older versions. Therefore we would like to know if someone has actually benchmarked the gain that one would have to merge to the 64bit version of TRNSYS18 ?
Looking forward,


Chargé de Ra&D HES

T +41 24 557 28 17

Laboratoire d'énergie solaire et de physique du bâtiment (LESBAT)

Avenue des Sports 20, Case postale

CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains


[Logo HEIG-VD]<https://heig-vd.ch/>

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