[TRNSYS-users] heating load - 1 mn time step

Alain GUIAVARCH a.guiavarch at groupeginger.com
Tue Sep 28 08:12:37 PDT 2021

Dear Angel,

Thank you for your help.
Actually I’m not talking about the moment when the set point changes from 17°C from 20° (I agree with you this is normal).
But when we look at what happens each hour of the day, the heat load suddenly changes every hour, even if the set point temperature doesn’t change, this is what I don’t understand : the heat load curve looks like a « staircase ». It is the same for the temperature,  so I think it doesn’t come from the heating power control.

De : TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org> De la part de Angel Carrera via TRNSYS-users
Envoyé : mardi 28 septembre 2021 11:59
À : TRNSYS users mailing list at OneBuilding.org <trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
Cc : Angel Carrera <angel.carrera at aiguasol.coop>
Objet : Re: [TRNSYS-users] heating load - 1 mn time step

Hi Alain,

I guess that you are calculating the heating load with unlimited heating power. If that's the case, you are requesting to type 56 that the building reach the setpoint  temperature in 1 minute (that might be lot of energy for such a small amount of time) and the sudden peaks in the heating load appear at times where you have a change in the setpoint temperature. I will suggest that you use a limited power for your heating device, or increase your time step to a time that you find reasonable to heat your building. In general, smaller time steps are "better", but if you are just interested in calculating your heating load that's not necessarily true, specially if you are interested in calculating peak power. Hope it helps, best regards


El mar, 28 sept 2021 a las 10:44, Alain GUIAVARCH via TRNSYS-users (<trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org>>) escribió:
Hi everybody,

I’m simulating a projet with type 56, and 1 mn time step.
I don’t understand the heating load : it varies too much each hour, like something is not interpolated (green curve in the attached file ).
Would anybody have any idea, did I forget something ?


Alain Guiavarch
TRNSYS-users mailing list
TRNSYS-users at lists.onebuilding.org<mailto:TRNSYS-users at lists.onebuilding.org>


Àngel Carrera Martín
Consultor sènior en Sistemes
Llicenciat en ciencies físiques
Sistemes Avançats d'Energia Solar Tèrmica - AIGUASOL
           +(00) 34 663 276 680   Roger de Llúria 29, 3r 2a
angel.carrera at aiguasol.coop<mailto:angel.carrera at aiguasol.coop>   08009 Barcelona
              [http://aiguasol.coop/images/skype.jpg] angel_aiguasol   Tel: (+34) 933 424 755
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