[TRNSYS-users] TESS thermal storage tank

thornton at tess-inc.com thornton at tess-inc.com
Thu Nov 18 11:49:39 PST 2021

On 2021-11-18 04:41, Pouyan Talebizadehsardari (Staff) via TRNSYS-users 

> Which one is more
> accurate to use? and what is the heat loss coeficient since the defult
> value is 2.5 kJ/h.m2.K in Type 158 and 5 kJ/h.m2.K in type 534?

The heat loss coefficient depends on the type of tank and the insulation 
level.  The model can handle both insulated and un-insulated tanks so 
it's up to the user to put in a representative value based on the tank 
that they will be studying.

> In addition, in Type 534, what is the gas flue in the storage tank? Is
> it related to the gas flue from the boiler?

A gas flue is used in bottom-fired gas water heaters and provides an 
escape route through the tank for the products of combustion.

Jeff W. Thornton
Thermal Energy System Specialists LLC
3 N. Pinckney Street, Suite 202
Madison WI 53703 USA
(608) 274-2577

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