[TRNSYS-users] Cooling demand - QCOOL

miriam di matteo dimatteo.1585179 at studenti.uniroma1.it
Wed May 26 08:45:57 PDT 2021

Ciao Toni,
grazie mille della risposta.
Ho dimenticato di scrivere che sto utilizzando Trnsys 17
per quanto riguarda la verifica con il .BAL (NType 904 / 905) l'ho
effettuata, ho stampato singolarmente i diversi Output e confrontati con i
corrispettivi B4_xxx. Precisamente:
- QSCOOL (NT. 33) -> B4_QCOOL (NT. 905 e 953)
- SDQAIR (NT. 39) -> B4_DQAIRdt (NT. 905 e 951)
- SQINF (NT. 35) -> B4_QINF (NT. 905 e 952)
- SQGCONV (NT 38) + SQGRAD (NT 43) -> B4_QGINT (NT 905 e 958)
- QSOLAIR (NT 117); di cui ho calcolato la somma tramite la Type
calcolatrice) -> B4_QSOLAIR (NT. 905 e 961) Questo fattore è sempre 0, ma
non ne comprendo il motivo;
- B4_QSOL (NT 905 e 960) non ho trovato l'esatto corrispondente, in diverse
conversazioni ho letto di far riferimento a QTSABS (NT. 57)
- B4_QTRANS (NT 905 e 957) per come ho compreso il QTRANS non è possibile
ottenerlo in via diversa se non mediante il Balance. In oltre non ne
comprendo a pieno i risultati. Dalla descrizione sembra che valori positivi
corrispondano a guadagni termici per la zona termica e valori negativi al
contrario delle dispersioni verso l'esterno, per tanto non dovrei avere
QTRNS+ con Tin<Tou e TRNS- con Tin>Tout? Chiedo perché questa cosa dai
risultati della simulazione non risulta.

Per quanto riguarda i guadagni interni, si sono vicini a quelli ipotizzati.
Per quanto riguarda i guadagni solari (QSOL) sono inclusi nel SUMMARY,
mentre il QSOLAIR come dicevo prima è sempre pari a 0. Se sono realistici o
meno, ammetto che non sono bene in grado di definirlo. Ho cercato di far
riferimento alla UNI 10349 e alla UNI 11300 per avere un idea dei valori
che dovrebbero uscire (c.a. 57000 MJ nel mese di Luglio), e in effetti sono
maggiori rispetto a quelli risultanti dalla simulazione di TRNSYS (36000 MJ
nel mese di Luglio). L'edificio è situato nel Lazio, in provincia di Roma.
Provo a controllare meglio questi valori e le impostazioni corrispondenti.

In ogni caso allego il modello Trnsys e il .bdf, se hai modo di guardarlo
te ne sono infinitamente grata.
Grazie Mille davvero.

I'm not sure that i answer only you (Toni) or to all User mailing list, so
i Traslate the email in English too.

I forgot to write that I am using Trnsys 17.
As regards the verification with the .BAL (NType 904/905) I have done it. I
have printed the different Outputs and compared with the corresponding
B4_xxx. More precisely:
- QSCOOL (NT.33) -> B4_QCOOL (NT.905 and 953)
- SDQAIR (NT.39) -> B4_DQAIRdt (NT.905 and 951)
- SQINF (NT.35) -> B4_QINF (NT.905 and 952)
- SQGCONV (NT 38) + SQGRAD (NT 43) -> B4_QGINT (NT 905 and 958)
- QSOLAIR (NT 117); (of which I calculated the sum using the Type
calculator) -> B4_QSOLAIR (NT. 905 and 961) This factor is always 0, but I
don't understand why;
- B4_QSOL (NT 905 and 960) I did not find the exact correspondent, in
several conversations I read about referring to QTSABS (NT.57)
- B4_QTRANS (NT 905 and 957) as I understood the QTRANS it is not possible
to obtain it in different way except through the Balance. In addition, I do
not fully understand the results. From the description it seems that
positive values correspond to thermal gains for the thermal zone and
negative values as losses, so I shouldn't have QTRNS + with Tin <Tou and
TRNS- with Tin> Tout?

About the internal gains, they are close to those assumed.
As for the solar gains (QSOL) they are included in the SUMMARY, while the
QSOLAIR as I said before is always equal to 0. Whether they are realistic
or not, I admit they are not well able to define it. I tried to refer to
UNI 10349 and UNI 11300 to get an idea of the values that should come out
(about 57000 MJ in the month of July), and in fact they are greater than
those resulting from the simulation of TRNSYS (36000 MJ in the month of
July). The building is located in Rome.

In any case, I enclose the Trnsys model and the .bdf, if you have the
opportunity to look at it I am infinitely grateful.
Thank you very much indeed.


Il giorno mer 26 mag 2021 alle ore 13:44 Toni Calabrese via TRNSYS-users <
trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org> ha scritto:

> Hi Miriam, (if you speak italian please let me know ;))
> Did you have a look to the SUMMARY balance that is automatically printed
> by trnsys? Are the values coincidents?
> It is hard to say something without checking the model, but I can assume
> that the problem could be in the cooling itself, but it could be also in a
> wrong implementation of the boundary conditions. For example:
> 1.      Did you check the solar gains (are also included in the SUMMARY
> balance)? Are realistic?
> 2.      Did you check the internal gains? Are the outputs of internal
> gains equal to what did you expect?
> Please send me in case the trnsys model and the bui file in order that I
> can help you in details.
> ------------------------------
> *Toni Calabrese*, MSc.
> Wissenschaftlicher Projektleiter
> toni.calabrese at spf.ch | toni.calabrese at ost.ch
> T +41 58 257 4827
> SPF Institut für Solartechnik
> OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
> Oberseestr. 10 | CH-8640 Rapperswil | Switzerland | www.spf.ch |
> www.ost.ch
> OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule ist der Zusammenschluss aus FHS
> St.Gallen, HSR Rapperswil und NTB Buchs.
> *From:* TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org> *On
> Behalf Of *miriam di matteo via TRNSYS-users
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 26, 2021 1:03 PM
> *To:* trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Cc:* miriam di matteo <dimatteo.1585179 at studenti.uniroma1.it>
> *Subject:* [TRNSYS-users] Cooling demand - QCOOL
> Dear all,
> I have some questions about the cooling energy demand and the output
> "QCOOL" NType 31 and 33. I'm studying a residential building, and i need to
> know its Cooling demand. My problem is that the QCOOL value is very low. It
> is about 30kW, but the manually estimated value is more than double
> (>60kW). I don't understand if I did something wrong in the modelling or
> "QCOOL" isn't the Output that i need.
> I followed this steps to realized TRNSYS model :
>    - I did a geometrical model with TRNSYS 3D (Google SketchUp plugin),
>    with its 13 apartments and whit the internal walls, windows and external
>    shading devices (as walls, balconies etc...).
>    - In TRNBuild i characterized Wall and Windows levers, and insert the
>    Infiltrations and internal gain from people and light.
>    - I know the characteristic of the boiler and radiators installed; The
>    GAS bill about 2018 and 2019; Moreover I measured the trend of temperatures
>    inside an apartment for 4 days. I calibrated my TRNSYS model with this data.
>    - So I inserted in my Thermal zones a ideal Cooling: Temperature set
>    point 26°C, unlimited, humidity off.
> I followed a similar way for Heating demand, I used an Ideal Heating with
> a set point temperature of 20°C, unlimited, radiation part 20% and without
> humidification. I didn't observed any problem with Heating simulations.
> Can you confirm me that "QCOOL" (NType 31 and 33) represent my cooling
> energy demand? In this case, if my TRNSYS model is correct the Value of
> QCOOL it is necessary correct, right? It means that I have to look for the
> error in the Trnsys model, is it true? Honesty i have no idea where the
> error might be, It seems to me that everything is correct. But it is the
> first time that i use Trnsys, so is easy that i insert a wrong parameters
> or forget something, i think. Anyone have any advice about it?
> I hope someone can help me, it is very important. Thank all in advance
> Miriam
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