[TRNSYS-users] From global solar radiation to direct and diffuse SR

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Thu Jun 17 07:17:58 PDT 2021


  Unfortunately Type16 can't convert from an arbitrary angle back to 
horizontal then do its calculations. I remember seeing (perhaps even 
using) such a component a few thousand years ago but would not know 
where to put my hands on it again.

  I would think that with such a slight slope as 10° you could use sines 
and cosines to determine what the global on the horizontal actually was 
before feeding it to Type16.



On 06/17/2021 08:38, Freppel, Wirich wrote:
> Hello David,
> That is an excellent idea !
> I did not exactly measure horizontal radiation since the “horizontal” 
> pyranometer was placed on the roof, which is 10° tilted. I guess I 
> could try first by considering the roof as horizontal since 10° is not 
> that much. I could also estimate the horizontal radiation by 
> calculation, or finally, does the type 16 can do this job ? If I 
> understand, Type 16 can go from horizontal to any tilt but not the 
> other way around, does it ?
> Thanks for your help
> *Wirich FREPPEL*
> Development engineer
> /COSMOS - /Buildings Energy Performance & Daylighting Group
> Cell: +33 637 053 174
> *Saint-Gobain Research Compiègne*
> *De :*David BRADLEY <d.bradley at tess-inc.com>
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 17 juin 2021 15:21
> *À :* TRNSYS users mailing list at OneBuilding.org 
> <trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org>
> *Cc :* Freppel, Wirich <Wirich.Freppel at saint-gobain.com>
> *Objet :* Re: [TRNSYS-users] From global solar radiation to direct and 
> diffuse SR
> Wirich,
>  Did you also by chance measure global on the horizontal? If so then 
> what I would suggest you do is to define your same vertical surfaces 
> in Type16 and then run your measured global horizontal through it. 
> Type16 will give you an estimate of how the global breaks up into beam 
> and diffuse not only for the horizontal but also for the vertical 
> surfaces. I would then compute the ratios of beam to global and 
> diffuse to global that Type16 gives you for each surface and then use 
> those ratios multiplied by your actual measurements to come up with 
> the components that Type56 wants.
> kind regards,
>  david
> On 06/17/2021 04:15, Freppel, Wirich via TRNSYS-users wrote:
>     Dear Trnsys users,
>     I measured global solar radiation on vertical surfaces (one for
>     each orientation) using a pyranometer. I would like to use these
>     data on my building model instead of using “internal calculation”.
>     Type 56 asks for direct and diffuse solar radiation arriving on
>     the surface. How can I manage the data to send the appropriate
>     values to Type 56 ?
>     Thanks in advance for your help
>     *Wirich FREPPEL*
>     Development engineer
>     /COSMOS - /Buildings Energy Performance & Daylighting Group
>     Cell: +33 637 053 174
>     *Saint-Gobain Research Compiègne*
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
3 North Pinckney Street - suite 202
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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