[TRNSYS-users] Fprime_function in Solar Collector Type

Julien Gambade julien.gambade at univ-ubs.fr
Wed May 13 03:04:09 PDT 2020

Dear Trnsys Users, 

I would like to program my Water-In-Glass Evacuated Tube Solar Collector. 
My idea was to start from the existing Type71 but I am stuck because i can't understand how the 'Fprime_function' works. I searched online, on the Programmers Guide and in the TrnsysFunctions.f90 but still, I don't understand. 

Can anyone know any references to help me ? 

Moreover, someone might already program an Water-In-Glass ETC, i would be happy if you have any advise or program to share. 

Best regards, 

Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (UMR CNRS 6027) 
Centre de recherche Christian Huygens 
Rue de Saint-Maudé - 56100 Lorient - France 
julien.gambade at univ-ubs.fr 
[ http://www.irdl.fr/ | www.irdl.fr ] 
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