[TRNSYS-users] linking visual studio 2019 and TRNSYS export as FORTRAN

David Redpath dagr2 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Nov 22 03:01:56 PST 2019


Could anyone help me the following problem?

I'm trying to link visual studio 2019 with simulation studio, I want to 
export new tmf files as FORTRAN, my current FORTRAN environment is
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDEV98\BIN\Dfdev.exe"

Does anyone know what this should be modified to for visual studio 2019? 

Best Regards,

David Redpath

Research Associate,
Generation Integrated Energy Storage,
Cambridge University Engineering Department,
Trumpington Street,
CB2 1PZ,

Member of Editorial board,
International Journal of Sustainable Energy (Thermal Storage)

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