[TRNSYS-users] Coupling TRNSYS18 with MATLAB 2019a

Prasanth Subramani prasanthsubramani1991 at gmail.com
Fri May 17 00:39:25 PDT 2019

Hello Everybody,

I have a problem in coupling TRNSYS 18 and MATLAB 2019a. I am getting the
following error.
Your input file uses Type 155 (Calling Matlab). "Type155.dll" was found but
could not be loaded. Please make sure that a supported version of Matlab is
installed and that Matlab's "bin\win32" folder is on Windows' search path

I found that many peoples had these issues earlier. I tried the following
suggestions already

i) Making sure that correct version of TRNSYS and MATLAB (64 bit)
ii) I got Type155.dll compiled for this version of MATLAB from distributor
iii) Making sure that bin\win64 in windows search path. It is the only
version of MATLAB installed on my computer. Only one reference to MATLAB in
the search path.
iv) Reinstalled to C:\Matlab, in order to avoid accessibility problems in
C:\Program Files directory. Changed in the windows search path.
v) regmatlabserver to register as a COM server.

Still, coupling doesn't work. Does anyone have other suggestions?
Also, why does the error show "bin\win32" folder? Is it default message
irrespective of TRNSYS version?

Thanks in advance.

Prasanth Subramani
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