[TRNSYS-users] type56 and type68

Le Talave contact at letalave.com
Fri Mar 8 08:26:29 PST 2019

Dear David, 

thank you for the advice. Unfortunatly, when I link the IA directly from
type109, I have multiple warnings with this message: "Beam radiation
greater than 0 occured for an  incident angle of   97.52 greater than
90° for orientation   6. Beam radiation has been set to 0.!"; and the
simulation stops when the threshold of 30 warnings is reached. 

Orientation 6 is 90°/315° (south east wall). For the roof's IA, there
are no problems if only them are linked from 109 to 56. When I link one
or many walls, this issue happens. Certainly because of a mistake of
mine, but I don't see what it could be. 

Thanks a lot for your help. 

Kind regards, 


Le 2019-03-08 16:43, David BRADLEY a écrit :

> Olivier, 
> Almost! the AI-orientation input is asking for the angle of incidence of beam radiation on the surface. That should come directly from the weather component to Type56. You are correct about the other two 
> kind regards, 
> David 
> On 03/08/2019 08:38, Le Talave via TRNSYS-users wrote: 
>> Dear Trnsys community, 
>> To be sure not to make a mistake about how to plug type68 with type56. Is it true to plug (Type68 ------>Type56): 
>> Solar Altitude Angle--------->AI-ORIENTATION- ? 
>> Shaded total rad. for surface--------->IT-ORIENTATION- ? 
>> Shaded beam rad. for surface---------->IB-ORIENTATION- ? 
>> Many thanks for your advices 
>> Best regards, 
>> Olivier 
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