[TRNSYS-users] Error Message 441 - With Types 536 and 637a

José María Roca peperoca at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 08:39:10 PDT 2019

Hi community, hope everyone is well.

I’m trying to model steam generation from solar parabolic trough, so to achieve this I have connected a type 536 outlet to the inlets of the counterflow HRSG type 637a.

The T536, is set to vary the flowrate to try and reach specified outlet temperature, so the flowrate is set by this component and in turn the input flowrate isn’t used. Right?

The T637a calculates the maximum steam flowrate available from the inputs and restrains, so this component sets the steam flowrate, ans so the input of steam flowrate isn’t used. Right?

I have the resumed the main connections to:

T536: Outlet flowrate —> T647a: Input hot side flowrate
T536: Out temp —> T647a: In hot temp
T637a: Out hot flow —> T536: in flow
T637a: Out hot temp —> T536: In temp
T637a: Out steam flow —> T637a: In steam flow (continuity?) 

This will produce a 441 message "The inputs to the listed units have not converged at this timestep. The values at the last iteration will be used and the simulation will proceed…” units are identified to the collector (T536) and HRSG (T637a).

If I delete the 637a or the 536, the error 441 disappears, so this points that there is a problem with the connections or information exchanged between them.

Where should I start checking?

José María Roca

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