[TRNSYS-users] simulate big amount of stuff inside industrail building

Mauro Cannistraro cnnmra at unife.it
Mon Jan 21 05:43:56 PST 2019

Hi all, i wondering how to simulate a big amount of stuff ( great mass,
great thermal inertia) inside an industrial building?

tks in advance.

*Ing. Phd.  Mauro Cannistraro*

*University of Ferrara - Department of Architecture*

*TekneHub.  Via Saragat  13 - 44122 Ferrara (I)*

*Tel. +39 0532 29 3662*

*Mob. +39 329 97 40 211*

*Mail. mauro.cannistraro at unife.it <mauro.cannistraro at unife.it>*

*Pec. mauro.cannistraro at ordineingpa.it <mauro.cannistraro at ordineingpa.it> *

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