[TRNSYS-users] Problems reusing TRNSYS 16 projects in TRNSYS 18

Knut Erik Enerstvedt knut.erik.enerstvedt at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 01:27:23 PST 2019


I have upgraded from TRNSYS 16 to 18, and hope to reuse as much as possible
of my old TRNSYS 16 projects. I am able to open T16 projects in T18, but
when I save and try to open again in T18, I get the error "Failed to open
document". I have also tried to copy everything from the old project into a
new T18 project, but then I get the error "Encountered an improper
argument". Is there a solution to this problem, or do I have to rebuild
everything from scratch?

Best regards,
Knut Erik Enerstvedt
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