[TRNSYS-users] type4a tank simulation problem

Federica Azzarri S238292 s238292 at studenti.polito.it
Fri Sep 28 01:44:02 PDT 2018

Hi TRNSYS Users,

I'm using TRNSYS 17 to performe a hourly simulation on one month and I 
have a problem with type4a, which simulates a stratified fluid storage 
tank with constant volume. I’m attaching here my project file to well 
explain my problem.

The aim of my simulation is to verify if my TRNSYS model behaves as a 
real case of study. Inside my model, the thick lines represent physical 
fluxes of overheated water: the green ones are by the point of view of 
the production, the black ones are by the point of view of the storage 
and of the needs of the user (“rete TLR”). The inputs of the simulation 
are temperature and flow from the production (“chp_real_mandata”), 
thermal load of the user (“En_th_rete”) and the temperature drop caused 
by the user (“deltaTrete”). Therefore, the flow required by the user is 
evaluated thanks to the equa “rete TLR” and it’s possible to control the 
charge and discharge of the tank through the comparison of the flow from 
production with the required flow by the user.

In the end I compare the results of my simulation with the real data of 
my case of study. The comparison is done on temperatures and flows at 
the output of the tank: “to heat source” and “to load”. Plotting this 
comparison, we can observe that from the point of view of the values 
simulated “to load” everything is acceptable, on the other hand the 
values of temperature simulated “to heat source” are not. Then I also 
decided to plot the top, bottom and some values of the temperature 
inside the tank and I noticed that the bottom temperature is too high 
when the tank is charged (value of c_s equal to 1). This is the reason 
why I have problems with the simulation on temperature “to heat source”, 
but now I can’t find how to solve this problem.

May you please check my project and try to find how to fix it?

Thanks to anyone will try to help me,

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