[TRNSYS-users] Type56 - Persons and Computer Gains calculations

Andrea Diaz Guasgua A.C.DiazGuasgua at student.tudelft.nl
Sat Dec 22 02:18:55 PST 2018

Dear group,

I am using Type56 to model a building. Currently, I am trying to calculate the gains produced by one person and compare with the result at "QGCONV," which is configured using ISO7730 option 1 and the "Scale=1" (1 person). The computer, lighting and other gains were set to "Off".  However, I do not know how TRNSYS performs such operation.

Also,  I did a similar analysis for the computer heat gains, which I configured with a "Scale=1" and a "50w Printer" while the rest gains were set to "Off". Same as before,  I do not know how TRNSYS computes the QGCONV.

Could someone explain me the formulas TRNSYS uses to compute such gains?

My kindly regards,

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