[TRNSYS-users] Error in type 56: minimum desired mass flow rate

David BRADLEY via TRNSYS-users trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Wed May 17 06:53:41 PDT 2017


   This sounds like one that should be sent to your distributor for some 
assistance. If you aren't sure who to contact, please let me know and I 
can help find the right hotline based on your license.



On 05/17/2017 03:04, María Regidor Sánchez via TRNSYS-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with Trnsys 17 and I haven't had this kind of error until now:
> "Specific fluid mass flow of active layer in surface   22 below 
> minimum value of 3.89 kg/m2h Please, increase the minimum mass flow 
> rate or use the autosegmentation feature of TRNBuild for subdividing 
> the surface."
> I have tried everything, from increasing the desired flow rate, 
> autosegmentating the surface to changing the type of wall without 
> active layer or deleting the surface, but the error persists and I 
> don't know what more to do.
> Has anyone ever had this problem?
> Thanks!
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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