[TRNSYS-users] Simultaneous heating and cooling operation of a ground source heat pump

S. Loizide via TRNSYS-users trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Fri Jun 23 06:33:39 PDT 2017

Dear All,

I was wondering whether it is possible to model the simultaneous heating 
and cooling operation of a ground-source heat pump in TRNSYS by using 
the heat pump component Type 927. The heat pump that I'm trying to model 
provides space heating to a building during winter but at the same time 
provides cooling to some server and paper archive rooms. Is it possible 
to have both the cooling and heating modes on by using this particular 
component (type 927)? If not, could you please suggest any other 
possible way of modelling the simultaneous heating and cooling operation 
of a heat pump?



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