[TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS FMU Export Utility

Widl Edmund Edmund.Widl at ait.ac.at
Thu Dec 7 01:36:19 PST 2017

Dear TRNSYS users,

I would like to draw your attention to the TRNSYS FMU Export Utility<http://trnsys-fmu.sourceforge.net/>, an openly available stand-alone tool for exporting FMUs for Co-Simulation from TRNSYS 17 models. Among other things, this tool allows to link TRNSYS 17 at runtime with Modelica or Simulink models. With its latest release, the tool provides several new features. Most importantly, support for FMI version 2.0 and a graphical user interface have been added.

The TRNSYS FMU Export Utility<http://trnsys-fmu.sourceforge.net/> is an open-source tool without commercial interests behind it, developed as part of ongoing research activities. It intends to provide an FMI-compliant co-simulation interface to the TRNSYS community (for users from academia and industry), who may have similar interests.

The tool (including documentation and an example) is available here: http://trnsys-fmu.sourceforge.net

Best regards,
Edmund Widl

Dr. Edmund Widl
Senior Scientist
Electric Energy Systems
Center for Energy

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria
T +43 50550 6034 | M +43 664 8251489 | F +43 50550-6648
Edmund.Widl at ait.ac.at<mailto:Edmund.Widl at ait.ac.at> | http://www.ait.ac.at/profile/detail/Widl-Edmund

FN: 115980 i HG Wien | UID: ATU14703506

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