[TRNSYS-users] A problem about simulation the Parabolic trough collectors

qin.jiyun@foxmail.com via TRNSYS-users trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Sun Dec 4 20:05:29 PST 2016

Hi Someone, 

I have a problem about simulation the Parabolic trough soalr collectors. 

I use the Type536 to simulate the PT collectors and the Type 15-6 as the solar radiation processor. However, when I run this program, there is a error. It is shown that "The utility subroutine DATA cannot read the specified input data file. Make sure that the file is ASSIGNed correctly and that the file has the correct format"I don't know what's the problem of this program. 

The detailed program and the Result file are in the attachment. 

Best Regards
Jiyun Qin

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