[TRNSYS-users] Type 52 as heating coil

Mattias Ericsson via TRNSYS-users trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Wed Aug 24 02:47:46 PDT 2016

Dear TRNSYS users!

I am building a small model to evaluate an existing ventilation heat recovery system. The system is air-water-air coupled with cooling coils in the exhaust air and heating coils in the supply air.

Type 52 suits my needs as a cooling coil perfectly since we can measure the geometry of the actual coils. However I can't find a model that have similar inputs as Type 52 but works as a heating coil.

My question is if there is anything that prevents me from using Type 52 as my heating coil? The heat flow will go the opposite way compared to the cooling case which shouldn't(?) be a problem. Also I guess that the Type 52 takes condensation into account in the cooling case but as condensation won't be an issue in the heating coil this should also work fine.

If Type 52 doesn't work. Does anyone have a suggestion of a heating coil model that I can use(that doesn't require by-pass factors and stuff..)?

Best regards
Mattias Ericsson

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