[TRNSYS-users] Question about ice storage tank or PCM tank

Karol BANDURSKI karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl
Fri Apr 15 00:03:18 PDT 2016

Dear Jeff,


Yes – I am interested. My aim is to model melting process of ice block I building zone. So I hope that it will be efficient way.





From: Jeff Thornton [mailto:thornton at tess-inc.com] 
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 2:03 AM
To: trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Question about ice storage tank or PCM tank


TESS has a simplified model of an ice storage tank that we have made available.  The tank is assumed to be isothermal and contains a simple constant effectiveness heat exchanger.  We have used it successfully on several projects and it runs quickly and without issue.  Please let us know if you'd be interested in learning more about the model.  We can provide a full parameter/input/output list upon request.




Jeff Thornton
President - TESS LLC
22 N. Carroll Street, Madison WI USA 53703
Office: (608) 274-2577  Fax: (608) 278-1475
E-Mail: thornton at tess-inc.com

On 04/11/2016 3:37 pm, Lukas Jasiunas wrote:

Hello J Chen and Karol,

Great question! I would also like to try ice storage modelling. Following the question!

Best regards,
Lukas Jasiunas

On 08/04/2016 14:19, Karol BANDURSKI wrote:

Dera J Chen,


Did you get some respond on your below e-mail?


I am also interested in simulation ice storage in TRNSYS.





From: 飘羽 [mailto:779447596 at qq.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 1:11 PM
To: trnsys-users
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Question about ice storage tank or PCM tank


Hello everyone:


I am trying to simulate an ice storage tank in TRNSYS, which uses a heat pump to generate ice in the evening and uses a coil inside to get chilled water in the day. Do any one have the similar trnsys components? I failed to compile the type 207 in the trnsys website. If anyone who has done the similar work(ice storage or PCM tank), could you please share it with me? I can list it as an reference. Thank you!


J Chen


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