[TRNSYS-users] type 997

Ing. Bořivoj Šourek, Ph.D. Borivoj.Sourek at cvut.cz
Thu Oct 15 06:13:34 PDT 2015

Dear Sir/Madam
I would try to access type 997 output file via "GroundDisplay_Slideshow.exe" but input file error "Vertical separator #1 is incorrectly formatted" is still displayed.
And is it there possible to find somewhere format of *.soil file? For expamle to analyse it in MS Ecel?

Thank you, best regards.

B. Sourek

Ing. Bořivoj Šourek, Ph.D.
Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov (UCEEB)
ČVUT v Praze
Třinecká 1024
273 43 Buštehrad
Tel. +420 224 356 721; +420 603 224 907

University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB)
Czech Technical University in Prague
Trinecka 1024
273 43 Bustehrad
Tel. +420 224 356 721; +420 603 224 907

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