[TRNSYS-users] Type 9

Dalal Badreddine badreddinedalal at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 08:21:06 PDT 2015

Thank you for your answer, the problem is i can't seem to find the example
file in my computer. Do you know if by any chance i can find it somewhere

Thank you again!

2015-07-23 16:18 GMT+02:00 ITF - Adrien JEZEQUEL <a.jezequel at itf.biz>:

>  Dear Dallal,
> you have an example of data reader
> :\Trnsys17\Examples\Reading Data Files\
> You can use and modify those simple examples.
> I suggest you to change parameters and values in text files to understand
> how type9 works before using it in one of your model.
> Best regards
> Je serai en congé du 30/07/15 au 24/08/15 inclus
>  [image: Logo_ITF]
>  *Adrien JEZEQUEL*
> Simulation Dynamique - Calculs numériques
> 62 rue du Bolliet
> Tél : +33(0) 479 750 029
> Fax : +33(0) 479 852 122
>  a.jezequel at itf.biz <a.jezequel at itz.biz>
>  www.itf.biz
>  [image: Feuille]
>  Le 23/07/2015 15:44, Dalal Badreddine a écrit :
>  Hello,
>  ​ I need help using type 9 (data reader), can someone please tell me how
> to properly use this type and connect it to type 56 (multizone building).
>  Thank you for your answers
> Dalal​
> --
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*Badreddine DalalElève ingénieur en Génie Civil à l'EHTPEtudiante en Master
GC à l'Ecole Centrale de Lille*

Tél : 00 33 7 52 41 34 23​

*E-mail : Badreddinedalal at gmail.com <Badreddinedalal at gmail.com>  *
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