[TRNSYS-users] Insert polynomial equation

Anas Majdouli majdouli_anas at hotmail.fr
Mon Apr 27 01:44:29 PDT 2015

Hi TRNsys community, 

I hope you are doing very well.

TRNsys simulations, usually when we are using types, density and/or 
Fluid Specific Heat are among the parameters to specify. The problem is 
sometimes, these parameters vary and depend on temperature, pression... 

So I looked for a polynomial equation that gives for example density=f(Temperature) and I found one [formula 1 in http://metgen.pagesperso-orange.fr/metrologiefr19.htm].
 My question is : how to introduce this formula in TRNsys so that this 
latter will use it automatically ? I don't want to create an 
'Assembly/Insert new equation' component each time...

Thank you in advance,

Anas MAJDOULI 		 	   		  
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