[TRNSYS-users] Help in finding the daily peak solar irradiation

Shahen Fakhraldin shahinrkl_7 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 22 04:15:42 PST 2014

Hi all,

I am trying to find the daily peak global solar irradiation based on meteonorm TMY2 file, and drawing a histogram of the frequency distributions through the year, in order to find the expected valueof the distribution in W/m2, that I need it in the calculation of the area of a solar collector.
I think that TMY2 file with type 15-6 reader and  one of the types 27 (histogram plotter) could be used. However, I do not know how to just find and draw the daily peak values.

I'd be grateful for any advice.

Kind regards,
Shahen Fakhraldin
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