[TRNSYS-users] Type 2b Issue

Jeff Thornton thornton at tess-inc.com
Fri Oct 25 12:32:58 PDT 2013


<But when u exported the TRNSyS data to excel to check the result it
is noticed that sometimes pump is off even the above mentioned limit
(deltaTH=10 and delta TL= 2) is satisfied. I am attaching the excel file
and issue is highlighted in this file (sheet 1). Also TRNSYS file is

You're not doing anything wrong. There are times when your
chosen deadbands aren't physically possible. Imagine a single solar
collector with a huge pump attached to it. When the pump is off, the
collector temperature is much higher than the tank during a sunny period
and the pump is turned on. However, with the pump on the collector
temperature is only 1 degree hotter than the tank due to the large flow
rate - so the pump turns off. Which solution is correct? They both are.
In situations like this, TRNSYS will iterate for a while and finally
"lock" the solution to one of the states. That's what you're seeing in
your results. 



Jeff Thornton 

_President - TESS LLC_ 

N. Carroll Street, Madison WI USA 53703_ 

_Office: (608) 274-2577 Fax:
(608) 278-1475_ 


_E-Mail: thornton at tess-inc.com_

On 10/25/2013 4:33 am, Adeel Waqas wrote: 

> Dear Trnsys users 
I facing problem while using controller Type 2b between solar water
heater and storage tank. i have spent several hours in understanding its
behavior but still i am confused. 
> Issue is i have connected the
"UPPER INPUT TEMPERATURE" as collector outlet and "LOWER INPUT
TEMPERATURE" as outlet from storage tank heat exchanger. 
> I have
set the DELTATH=10 and DELTA TL= 2 as i want that controller switch keep
the pump on between this two limits. 
> But when u exported the
TRNSyS data to excel to check the result it is noticed that sometimes
pump is off even the above mentioned limit (deltaTH=10 and delta TL= 2)
is satisfied. I am attaching the excel file and issue is highlighted in
this file (sheet 1). Also TRNSYS file is attached 
> I will be thanks
for the help and the suggestion and to know where I am wrong. 
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