[TRNSYS-users] Trnsys 17 to Trnsys 16

eva.zacekova at fel.cvut.cz eva.zacekova at fel.cvut.cz
Sat Nov 2 06:53:32 PDT 2013


thank you for your response.

In my simulation, I use only Type56 (building model), Type155 (call to  
matlab) and Type15 (weather file). The most important for me is to  
convert the building model (Type56), the others are not so crucial.

Thank you very much.


Cituji David BRADLEY <d.bradley at tess-inc.com>:

> Eva,
>   The simple answer is that there is not a way to run a Trnsys17  
> model in Trnsys16. However, as is often true with TRNSYS, there  
> might be some ways that you could do it anyway. There are a number  
> of things to consider and I can offer some suggestions if you can  
> give me some more details about your simulation:
> 1. does it use Type56?
> 2. are you using any non standard components (such as the TESS Libs,  
> Transsolar components, or components that you wrote) and if so, do  
> you know whether they were written using the Trnsys16 or the  
> Trnsys17 coding standard?
> Kind regards,
>  David
> On 11/1/2013 08:53, eva.zacekova at fel.cvut.cz wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> some time ago, I used to use Trnsys17 (and created some models in  
>> it) and now, I would like to open and run those models in  
>> Trnsys16_1. However, I am still getting some errors trying to open  
>> the models (originally built in Trnsys17) in Trnsys16_1. Is there  
>> any way how to avoid the problems (maybe saving them in Trn17  
>> version as files compatible with the older Trn16)?
>> Thank you for some hints in advance!
>> Best,
>> Eva
> -- 
> ***************************
> Principal
> Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
> 22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
> Madison, WI  53703 USA
> P:+1.608.274.2577
> F:+1.608.278.1475
> d.bradley at tess-inc.com
> http://www.tess-inc.com
> http://www.trnsys.com


Dipl. Ing. Eva Žáčeková
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Department of Control Engineering
Prague 2, Karlovo náměstí 13, E-21
+420 22435 7689

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