[TRNSYS-users] Effect of Collector Slope on Collector Gain

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Thu May 23 10:05:03 PDT 2013

   The slopes of the surfaces for which Type15 computes incident solar 
radiation is defined among Type15's parameters.

   In order to plot annual useful energy vs collector slope you would 
have to run your simulation a number of times, each time with a 
different slope then collect the results of each run into a table.

On 5/23/2013 08:33, dev sharma wrote:
> Hey,
> When I change the collector slope in Type 1b-2 (collector), the effect
> on the energy collected by collector doesn't give a maxima at all.
> Instead it keeps on increasing somewhat linearly.
> I have noticed that Meteonorm file (read by Type 15-6) also gives
> surface slope as the output. In this case this output is similar to
> lattitude so I presume that all the calculations are performed within
> the weather file for incident radiation on the inclined surface.
> How can I vary the slope of the collector then? Do I have to modify
> the Meteonorm file? How can I plot a curve of Useful energy of the
> collector Vs Collector Slope. ?
> Thanks a lot!!!
> Dev

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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