[TRNSYS-users] Unknown unit number + negative flow rate errors

Damien Casetta damien.casetta at gmail.com
Tue May 7 04:27:49 PDT 2013


Thanks Ciarán for your help. However, the .lst file doesn't say much more
about the errors.

1/ The unit number (24) is not written on the input file. Plus, the
associated type changes (and is not in the current simulation in most
cases) each time I get this error. Let's forget about this then.

2/ The second error ("a negative flow rate was encountered") has retained
my attention (first of all because it stops the simulation) and I would be
glad if I could draw your attention on this issue. Please find attached the
TRNSYS model and refer to it for unit and type numbers. As you can see I
have traced the critical components to better understand the error. Here is
what happens :

- During post-convergence call, mass balance is not achieved through the
first tee piece (Type 11, Unit 55). Input flow rates are 339,8 kg/hr and 0
kg/hr whereas output flow rate is 339,6 kg/hr (equal to iteration 0 and 1
of the current time step and to the converged value of the previous time
step). Right after this, in the lst file, a fatal error is detected (no
unit specified), as attached in my previous message. Does it occur at
iteration 0 of the next time step? Why is it post-convergence call (current
time step) if a simple mass balance is not checked?

Feel free to ask if you need more info about the project,

Thanks a lot for helping me on this,

Have a nice day,

*Damien Casetta*

*INSA Lyon* Génie Énergétique et Environnement

On 3 May 2013 16:41, Flynn Ciaran <ciaran.flynn at aalto.fi> wrote:

>    Hey Damien,****
> ** **
> Click on the “Lst file…” tab, you can see it from the screenshot you took.
> This will open your lst file and when you scroll to the bottom of it you
> will get more information about the type of errors you are getting.
> (Note that to access this file directly, go to the same directory as your
> trnsys file and it’s the text file in the same name)****
> ** **
> Hope this helps,****
> ** **
> Bon wkd,****
> Ciarán****
> ** **
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