[TRNSYS-users] Question about a line in Type941 source code

Zhe Li zhe.li at dit.ie
Fri Apr 19 09:11:02 PDT 2013

Dear All,


Thank you for your time.


I am trying to understand how TRNSYS calculates power output from this
air-water heat pumps (Type941).


I am stuck in a line which I don't know what the two terms are standing for?


! Determine the dry air mass flow rate

Flow_air = lps_air*3.6*rho_air_dry_in 


Could somebody let me know what are the lps_air and rho_air_dry_in standing


I hope I did not break TRNSYS source code rule by asking this question. 


Thank you for your help in advance.


Zhe Li 

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