[TRNSYS-users] Enquiry about TRNSIS

khaled hossin khaledhossin at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 17 04:33:41 PDT 2013

Dear Sir/Madam

I am Khaled Hossin, PhD student at Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. I am interesting in solar energy applications, especially ORC power generation coupled with solar. I have heard about TRNSYS software. Could you please give me a brief description of the aplications of this software (i.e some published research using this software) and if it is useful for my case application.

Question: Are there any components (blocks) used to model and simulate different solar collectors and ORC power plant units (turbine, heat exchanger, biomass boiler...etc) as well as the organic fluids (Refrigerants) properties such as R134a, R254fa, n-pentane..etc?

I hope you to answer all the above included enquiries soon.


Khaled Hossin
Teaching Staff Member
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Garyounis University
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