[TRNSYS-users] Storage tank - input inconsistency when 10min interval

Michal Klimas michal.klimas at put.poznan.pl
Mon Sep 24 04:20:27 PDT 2012

Dear David,

Your advice helped in a way that I have changed in type 9: 
-not to interpolate water flow
-set "0" for an average value over the data time interval. 

Now it works fine. Thank you !

I also tried considering the TRNSYS equation, but if a TIMESTEP=10 min and data read interval is the same, in your opinion, what the equation should look like ?

Best regards
Michal Klimas

----- Original Message -----
From: "David BRADLEY" <d.bradley at tess-inc.com>
To: "Michał Klimas" <michal.klimas at put.poznan.pl>
Cc: trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
Sent: Friday, 21 September, 2012 6:50:06 PM
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Storage tank - input inconsistency when 10min interval

There may not really be a problem here. TRNSYS outputs are averages over each timestep and inputs are assumed to be constant over a timestep. As a result the inputs to Type534 are assumed to be the average flow rate over your 10 minute period. Type9 also gives you various options for what kind of data you are giving it (averages over the timestep, instantaneous values at the end of the timestep, etc.). If you have integrated flows over the 10 minute periods, you can use an equation to back out what the average flow rate was over the period. 
Kind regards, 

On 9/19/2012 09:26, Michał Klimas wrote: 

Dear All, 

I’m trying to simulate water flow through storage tank ( type 534). I’ve got real measurements of water temp. and flow with 10min interval (using type 9e) but units of tank inputs can only be kg/s or kg/h and so on. 

My simulation TIMESTEP must be 10 min (1/6 as an equation) so I cannot interpolate any data. 

Do you have any idea how to solve this problem ? 

best regards 

Michal Klimas 

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