[TRNSYS-users] Zeros for the Ground Temperatures

simge andolsun simgeandolsun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 09:52:21 PDT 2012

Dear TRNSYS Users,

I was modeling the slab-on-grade heat transfer of a seven zone
building using the Type 1255 mode of TRNSYS. I realized that TRNSYS
reported zeros both for the ground temperatures and for the floor heat
transfer of the 7th floor.I suspect this problem is due to an input
reading or output reporting limitation of one of the types I used in
my model, but I could not figure out which one. I used two Type 9s in
my model. One Type 9  was for the zone air temperature inputs of the
seven zones and one for the floor inside convection coefficients of
the seven zones. I had sent the files attached to my previous email
but they were rejected due to the file size. If you could provide me
another email address, I would definitely send you the input files.
Would you please help me figure out what might be the reason that
causes the 7th floor to show 0 temperatures?

I look forward to hearing from you,
Thank you very much in advance for your help,

Best Regards,
Simge Andolsun
PhD Candidate
Texas A&M University
College of Architecture

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