[TRNSYS-users] Heat Pump mass flow rates (e.g. Type 401)

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Thu Oct 18 07:16:48 PDT 2012

   I would recommend that you look online at manufacturer's sites for 
similarly sized heat pumps. Trane and Carrier both have significant 
amounts of performance data in the product literature parts of their 
sites. You can probably get a good estimate of the flow rates on both 
the condenser and evaporator sizes from them.

On 10/18/2012 03:53, Michael Diekerhof wrote:
> Dear all,
> I´m working with the heat pump non-standard type 401 and try to 
> display an air-source heat pump.
> I dont have typical values for the Input 2 (evaporator mass flowrate) 
> and Input 4 (condenser mass flowrate).
> The only real connection I´m using is the dry bulb temp, coming from 
> type 15, as the evaporator inlet temperature. For the massflowrates I 
> would like to assume constant values.
> How can I adjust an outlet condenser temperature of e.g. 55°C. Just 
> about the massflowrates ?!
> Does anyone have experience with heat pump mass flow rates?! I guess 
> it´s not necessary to have expieriences with Type 401.
> I´m thankful for any advices.
> Best,
> Michael
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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