[TRNSYS-users] Creating new component

Mäkinen Janne janne.makinen at aalto.fi
Thu Nov 22 05:21:53 PST 2012


I am trying to create a new component by using Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. I followed the instructions described in Chapter 1.8 in the getting stated manual to generate the new component; however the project workspace generated by TRNSYS has an extension .dsp and I am unable to open this project file. When I try to open the .dsp file with Microsoft Visual Studio, I am asked if I want to convert the file into a Visual C++ project file, which generates a .ncb and a .vcproj files. When I try to build the project compailer creates .sln file and I obtain the following two errors(Build log as attachment file):
Error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol__DllMainCRTStartup at 12
Fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Is that compiler supposed to convert that .dsp file into visual C++ project? Could there be problems with some settings or that project file or am I perhaps doing something wrong?

Thank you,

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