[TRNSYS-users] shadowing and lighting threshold

Karol Bandurski karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl
Mon Nov 19 07:35:54 PST 2012

Dear All,


If you create building in Trnsys there is possibility to set thresholds for
lighting and shading:


1)      Why thresholds for lighting are multiple by -3.6??? I understand
that 3.6 convert it  from kJ/hr/m2 to W/m2, but why there is '-'???

2)      How default values (for lighting and shading) have been found? 






Karol Bandurski MSc.

 <http://www.ee.put.poznan.pl/> Institute of Environmental Engineering

Poznan University of Technology

 <http://www.ee.put.poznan.pl/> www.ee.put.poznan.pl

 <http://www.put.poznan.pl/> www.put.poznan.pl


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