[TRNSYS-users] Meteonorm weather data (complete version)

eunice herrera eunice.herrera at supelec.fr
Fri Nov 9 01:08:43 PST 2012

Hello everybody,

  I read the TRNSYS17 documentation for Wheater data (Volume 8) and I 
have noticed that I don't have the complete version of the Meteonorm 
data. I need to work with the North America (Mexico) data, and I've 
noticed that I just have 3 cities, and in the complete list there are 16 

There is a way to get this database?

Thank you in advance

Eunice Herrera
Supélec Campus de Rennes. Département ASH
C.P. 35576 Cesson-Sévigné, France
Tél. 33(0)2 99 84 45 88

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