[TRNSYS-users] Beam radiation distribution calculation with GEOSURF all set to 0

Marion Hiller hiller at transsolar.com
Wed Nov 7 04:14:44 PST 2012

Dear Eloise, 


thanks for bringing this up. 

The text in the brackets of the manual should be removed.. 


If all GESURF values are set to 0, the beam radiation is treated as
diffuse radiation and it is distributed acc. to the 

selected diffuse radiation mode. 


Best regards, 


Marion Hiller 




Dipl.-Ing. Marion Hiller 
TRANSSOLAR: KlimaEngineering - Technologien für energieeffizientes Bauen
und Nutzerkomfort in Gebäude 
Munich - New York - Stuttgart + 49.711.67976.0 

Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Curiestrasse 2, 70563 Stuttgart 
Amtsgericht Stuttgart - HRB 23347, Steuernummer 99073/00911, USt-IdNr.:

Geschäftsführer: Dipl.Ing. Matthias Schuler, Dipl.Ing. Thomas Auer,
Dipl.Phys. Stefan Holst, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Bleicher 




Von: Sok, Eloise [mailto:Eloise.Sok at saint-gobain.com] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. November 2012 11:33
An: trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
Betreff: [TRNSYS-users] Beam radiation distribution calculation with
GEOSURF all set to 0
Vertraulichkeit: Vertraulich


Dear TRNSYS users, 


I have a question regarding the calculation of the beam radiation
distribution under the standard mode. 


In TRNSYS 17’s manual, it is specified that under the standard mode for
beam radiation distribution calculation, if the GEOSURF values of all
surfaces of a zone are all set to 0, then “the direct radiation is
distributed the same way as the diffuse radiation (by “absorptance”
weighted area ratios)”.


But let’s suppose that I run a simulation under the detailed mode for
diffuse radiation distribution and under the standard mode for beam
radiation distribution with geosurf all set to 0. Does it imply that
that on one hand the Gebhart method will be applied for the diffuse part
of the entering solar radiation, and that on the other hand the weighted
area ratios method will be applied for the direct part? Or will the
total entering solar radiation be considered as 100% diffuse and in that
case only the Gebhart method will be applied for calculating the


Thank you in advance for you responses!


Best regards, 



Eloïse SOK 


Saint-Gobain Glass France, CRDC 

A.T.O.M. Dpt – Building energy performances’ group 


Tel: +33(0)3 44 92 47 88

Mob: +33(0)7 61 68 06 74

E-mail: Eloise.Sok at saint-gobain.com


Confidential-property of Saint-Gobain, the information contained herein
are considered confidential. Their representation or reproduction is
prohibited without the prior written consent of the sender or author.


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