[TRNSYS-users] User-defined CHTC differs from output HCONVI and HCONVO

Sarah Leenknegt sarah.leenknegt at bwk.kuleuven.be
Thu May 3 07:26:35 PDT 2012

Dear TRNSYS-users,

I would appreciate some clarification on the topic of applying 
user-defined CHTC's. I have a very simple two-zone project, with 
following main elements defined in the Simulation Studio:
- schedule with internal gains (20 W/m²) from 8-18h
- schedule with increased ventilation (7 ACH) from 20h-6h, otherwise 1 ACH
- schedule with CHTC for the ceiling, following the ventilation 
schedule, with values 8 W/m²K during increased ventilation and 0.5 W/m²K 
- fixed CHTC for the floor: 2 W/m²K
- multi-zone building model
No climate file is used.

In the building model, two zones are defined, and are separated by two 
identical "walls". At the front side, the CHTC for the floor is applied 
(as input in the bui model), at the back side, the CHTC for the ceiling 
is applied, also as input.

When I plot the surface temperatures TSI and TSO and the CHTC's HCONVI 
and HCONVO for the surfaces involved, the temperatures relate to each 
other as expected, but the CHTC's do not. I have included a sketch to 
clarify this. I also included the simple model in attachment.

Thank you your input!

Sarah Leenknegt


ir. arch. Sarah Leenknegt - KU Leuven - Building Physics Section - 
Department of Civil Engineering - Kasteelpark Arenberg 40, bus 2447 - 
B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium - tel. +32(0)16321347

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