[TRNSYS-users] A Multi-zone slab-on-great heat transfer model withzone air temperature as an input variable?

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Thu Mar 22 11:51:05 PDT 2012

Dear Simge Andolsun,

The Type49 Multizone slab-on-grade model instead uses the heat flux through the surface as an input (the QCOMO output of the Type56 building model) and calculates the surface temperatures that are passed back to Type56. Type56 uses this surface temperature for the calculation of the zone air temperature with either the internal surface automatic or user-defined convection coefficient. That is essentially how the BOUNDARY walls in Type56/TRNBuild function. If you would indeed like to pass a zone air temperature to a slab-on-grade model, please consider using Type1255 from the TESS Ground Coupling Library as it does an energy balance at the surface. However, this model is not intended to function with the Type56 building. Please see the attached comparison sheet for more information about the different slab-on-grade models. Also, please contact your local TRNSYS distributor to obtain the lastest TESS Component Libraries for TRNSYS17. It appears that you may have an outdated ve!
 rsion as the new models replaced Type704. 

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

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From: "simge andolsun" >;simgeandolsun at gmail.com
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