[TRNSYS-users] type 1221

raymond raymond at bet-etb.fr
Thu Mar 1 07:26:40 PST 2012


When using the TESS libraries "Type 1221" and "Type 927" several error messages are displayed which is as follows :

N°24 : This type was found in more than one DLL. The first instance of the type was loaded. Subsequent instances have been ignored.
A duplicate of type 1221 was found in "TESSHVACLibrary_v17.01_Release.dll

N°42 : TRNSYS Message   199 : TRNSYS Found at least one user DLL in the UserLib directory. (Note : Only DLL's including Types that are used in the simulation are loaded)

Reported information : 2 user DLL's were loaded after searching in "C:\Trnsys17\UserLib\ReleaseDLL's"

N°44 : Total Fatal Errors : 1

N°43 : TRNSYS Message  126 : The referenced Unit has a bad imput value

Reported information : Input # 9, Reported Problem. The scale factor must be above 0.

Has anyone experienced this problem, could you tell me how to fix it

thank you

Best regards

Raymond BACQUÉ
Tel : +33 4 86 11 90 95
Mobile : +33 6 69 58 37 27
Fax : +33 4 68 65 50 03
Courriel : raymond at bet-etb.fr<mailto:raymond at bet-etb.fr>

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