[TRNSYS-users] problem of escalade

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Thu Jun 21 09:10:24 PDT 2012

   The steps that you are seeing in some of the temperature plots are 
probably a result of timebase that you have chosen for the walls in your 
building. Wall response factors are computed for a series of discrete 
times extending backwards through the history of the wall. If you use a 
simulation time step that is less than the wall timebase then the 
conduction transfer function has a constant value for a few timesteps 
until the end of the next timebase is reached, then they change and you 
end up seeing that stepped response. The ideal solution is to use a wall 
timebase that is as close as possible to your simulation timestep. That 
is not always feasible though; so I typically use a 0.25hr timebase and 
a 1 or 5 minute time step.

On 6/21/2012 10:40, Yujun TAO wrote:
> Dear trnsys users,
> I have a problem about the two tempreatures simulated: TiZONE1 and 
> TiZONEPLATRE, in the graphic of TRNEXE, the two curves follow well at 
> the big tendance with the experimentation's results, but at detail's 
> view, there are somes escalades, i don't understand.
> Could someone tell me why?
> Here are jointed files to check
> Kind regards
> Aleck TAO
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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