[TRNSYS-users] Abouth Typ557

Jeff Thornton thornton at tess-inc.com
Thu Jun 14 15:51:09 PDT 2012


We are in the process of re-writing 557 to be able to be used more than 
once in a simulation.  In the meantime, we do have a second version of 
type 557 recoded with a different name and number that allows you to use 
two of them in a simulation.  They will not interact thermally but it 
does allow you to have two separate borefields.  Let me know if you are 


Jeff Thornton
President - TESS LLC
22 N. Carroll Street, Madison WI USA 53703
Office: (608) 274-2577  Fax: (608) 278-1475
E-Mail: thornton at tess-inc.com

On 06/13/2012 2:52 am, a8304506 at graduate.hku.hk wrote:
> Hello, Cathy.
> You cannot have more than one Type557 in one project.  Moreover, the
> model used
> in Type557 assumes that all boreholes function simultaneously.
> Hence, you have
> to try by other means.
> Best Regards
> LEE, Chun Kwong
> University of Hong Kong
> Quoting sun liang <liangliang3184 at yahoo.com.cn>:
>> Hello Trnsys users:
>>>> I�want to evaluate the�energy performance and control strategies of 
>> �a ground
>> source heat pump system. In this system, the ground heat exchangers 
>> are
>> divided into to two subregions.� When the cooling load is 
>> less than the
> half
>> of the designed cooling load, the ground heat exchangers of one 
>> subregion�are
>> uesd to providd cold water. And the ground heat exchangers of the 
>> other
>> sunregion do not work. While in the hottest period, all the ground 
>> heat
>> exchangers of two subregions need to work together.� So I 
>> need two
> models of
>> Type557 to simulate the energy perfomance of ground heat exchangers 
>> of two
>> subregions.� However, the Trnsys project with two modules of 
>> Type557
> can not
>> work. The error is listed as follows:
>> ��� Generated by 
>> Type����
> :�� 557
>> ��� TRNSYS Message��� 103 
>> : The
> TRNSYS TYPE checking routine has found an
>> inconsistency in the specified component between the input file and 
>> the
>> information expected by the Type
>> ��� Reported information� : The maximum 
>> number of
> occurences of this
>> component model in a TRNSYS input file has been exceeded.
>>>> I want to know how I can do to deal with this problem. I am looking 
>> forward
>> to your reply. Thank you very much.
>>>> Best regards,
>> Cathy

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