[TRNSYS-users] coupling air flow

faustine escoffier escoffier.faustine at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 05:52:52 PDT 2012

Dear all,

I'm modelising open spaces. I decided to create a zone by orientation, then
I have a direct contact between my zones (air). I know I should use the
coupling to simulate it. I must define the same value of coupling in each
Nevertheless I have some question:
- Is there a value I should better use? Or doesn't matter the value as long
as it is the same?
- when I tried to use it, I still need to define a wall...otherwise I get
undifned wall on my screen. How can I define a wall if ther is no wall? I
don't get it.

Hope u will be able to help me!

Many thanks

*ESCOFFIER Faustine*
 Ingénieur Génie Énergétique et Environnement - INSA LYON
Etudiante mastère spécialisé Construction et Habitat Durables - ENSAM/ESTP

06 79 98 75 85
escoffier.faustine at gmail.com
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