[TRNSYS-users] Air treatment unit / ground temperature model

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Mon Jul 2 15:18:55 PDT 2012

   There is no difference between Type77 and Type501. The component 
started out in the TESS Libraries as Type501 but was donated to the 
standard library and given a new number. It is still in the TESS 
Libraries for backward compatibility. The thing to remember about that 
model is that it is an undisturbed ground temperature model meaning that 
no matter how much energy you remove from the ground or add to the 
ground, the ground temperature will only ever be a function of the time 
of year. If you are using this in a geothermal application where you are 
rejecting energy to the ground and removing energy from the ground, the 
ground temperature will be impacted and you should look at using 
Type557. If you are drawing air through tubes in the ground then you 
should look at using Type460 (Pierre Holmuller's earth duct model as 
implemented by Transsolar)

   If you aren't able to find data for Type501 then the following will 
get you started: For the mean soil temperature, use the average annual 
air temperature for your location. For the amplitude, plot out the 
monthly average temperature for your location and calculate the biggest 
difference between the average annual temperature and the monthly 
average temperatures. For the time shift, use 30.


On 7/2/2012 09:21, Francis KERBER wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm quite new on trnsys and I have few questions about my modelisation.
> Firstable, I'd like to simulate the ground temperature instead of 
> using a constant, which is less precise. I heard about type 501 and 
> type 77. Is there any difference between those types? Which one is the 
> best? Moreover, where to find the informations the type needs as 
> inputs, like mean soil temperature, amplitude of Paris...?
> My project includes a Air treatment unit with a wheel heat exchanger, 
> two fans, and two batteries (warm water and cold water batteries). I 
> get a final regulation system, wich is a ventilating and cooling or 
> heating system (by warm water and cold water batteries as well), 
> depending on the set temperature. I do understand the system but I 
> don't really know how to modelise it. Is ther any existing type I can 
> use? Should I detail each system like my fans, my batteries...which 
> seems to be complicated.
> Moreover if I have this final regulation system in each room, must I 
> create as much types as number of rooms?
> If u have any idea that would be helpful!!!!!
> Thanks a lot for ur answers
> Francis.
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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