[TRNSYS-users] Error 24 : array size of equations

ewen raballand ewen.raballand at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 07:53:52 PST 2012

We were working with different versions of trnsys 17.00.0016 and
17.00.0019. I recently upgraded my trnsys and the problem doesn't exist any
more. If you still want to have a look at the input file I can send it to
you. Thank you for your help.


2012/1/17 David BRADLEY <d.bradley at tess-inc.com>

>  Ewen,
>   By default, TRNSYS (v17) allows 2000 equations. I believe that TRNSYS 16
> allowed 1000. However, the error you are getting is not that there are too
> many equations/constants but that there are too many operators in your
> equations! That is not an error I have ever gotten! Impressive! The two are
> related; the number of allowable operators is set as a function of the
> number of allowable equations. Your distributor should be able to provide
> you with a TRNDll that is compiled to allow more equations but I would
> appreciate it if you would be willing to send me the input file that
> generates the error so that I can have a look as well.
> Best,
>  David
> On 1/16/2012 06:14, ewen raballand wrote:
> Dear Trnsys users,
> I recently had the following error : Error 24
> *"The size of the array which holds the operation codes for EQUATIONs and
> CONSTANTs in the TRNSYS input file has been exceeded.  Try reducing the use
> of EQUATIONs and CONSTANTs in your input file if possible or increase the
> limit on the maximum number of equations that TRNSYS allows."*
> I know that Trnsys allows only 999 equations/constants per simulation, but
> in my case I don't exceed this number.
> Does anyone can tell me more about this error, because I don"t understand
> the reason of the problem ?
> I managed to go round this error by splitting my .*tpf in two and calling
> the results of my first simulation with a data reader type, but it is not
> very convenient.
> Best regards,
> Ewen Raballand
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> Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
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