[TRNSYS-users] Ice Storage Tank

Mateo de Guadalfajara mateo.mwjj at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 12:18:08 PST 2012

Dear Sarah Callanan.

Look this libraries for Ice Storage Tank.
Best Regards,
                     Mateo de Guadalfajara

2012/2/13 SK Callanan <skc53 at cornell.edu>

> Hello All,
> I wanted to know if anyone has already created the *.tmf proforma for the
> component "Ice Storage Tank" from TRNLib, or if anyone has an updated
> version of an ice storage tank.
> Please let me know if you can help in any way. Thank you,
> Sarah Callanan
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Un saludo,
                Mateo de Guadalfajara Pinilla
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