[TRNSYS-users] creating meteonorm/using exact solar data

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Fri Feb 10 13:34:28 PST 2012

Dear Muttakin,In order to use in TRNSYS, your data collection software needs to gather the total radiaiton. If the data collection software does not do that, you will likely have to write a simple program or manipulate it in Excel so it sums the data for the hour period for an hourly data file. Thus, the units would be W.h/m^2 as in the TMY2 and Meteonorm files for radiation. Then once you have that hourly data file, you will use Type9 to read it into TRNSYS (and convert units) and Type16 to process the radiation. Please refer to the example in the ".\Examples\Weather Data..." directory for guidance for setting the parameters of those components. Also make sure to NOT interpolate the radiation data in Type9 as the radiation processor does that. Type16 will output the radiation average values over the simulation timestep (not the data timestep) in order to use in your simulation as Type15 does.Best regards,Matt Duffy----- Original Message -----From: "mahbubul m!
 uttakin" >;mahbubul.muttakin at gmail.com
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